This is the place to be for information and updates on several topics related to haematological malignancies, specifically multiple myeloma.

There are many scientific advances and innovations in the context of diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, all contributing to further improve patient outcomes.
The Newsletters will provide educational updates and insights on all these kinds of aspects.
Have a further look into the different sections to update your knowledge and understanding on the evolving MM landscape.
Latest newsletter
Technical evolution and impact for clinical practice A series of interesting articles have been published recently on Measurable (or minimal) residual disease (MRD) in multiple...
Publication updates
In this section you will find interesting publication updates relevant to clinical practice. It will include hot off the press news and must-read overview articles detailing a general topic in the therapeutic area of MM. The information is retrieved from different data sources, including PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of science, Scopus.
Latest publication
An excellent, must-read review article has been published by Benjamin Derman and Rafael Fonseca with a deep-dive into the evolving technical aspects of MRD testing...
Educational Newsletters
Here you will find articles providing a deep-dive into selected MM-related topics for educational purposes. The information is retrieved from various scientific literature sources summarizing state-of-the-art developments in the MM field.
Latest newsletter
Welcome to the third edition of the Sanofi 2024 newsletter! These newsletters, created by Sanofi, aim to provide education to healthcare providers in relevant topics...
Newsletters and publications
Personalized Medicine